The Preschool that Lois & Noelle teach meets two full days a week. We have a Monday-Wednesday group and a Tuesday-Thursday group. Our Fridays are used for home visits and staff development.
Our children are selected through the Dial-R screening held in our district in February each year and a family application form. We offer services to 3, 4, and 5 year old children not age eligible for kindergarten and to their families.
Our preschool is part of a seven school consortium established to provide group support for staff, program, and families. We provide developmentally appropriate active learning experiences designed to meet the needs of our children. All children are accepted as they are and are encouraged to thrive in a supportive, non-judgmental, and non-threatening atmosphere.
We agree that parents are children's first teachers. To support that, we conduct home visits, open classrooms to families, and provide parent meetings.
The philosophy of the program is that children learn best by doing. Children need to experience varied kinds of activities on a daily basis. Emphasis is placed on developing social and emotional skills, speech, language, fine and gross motor skills, and readiness.
Parent responsibility requires parents to be available for four home visits each school year. Parents are also required to participate in their child's education at least six times during the year.
Visitors are always welcome!
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